charlotte, north carolina and a new brain

Day 34: On my way back to Atlanta (U-turn)

April 8, 2000

9:10A – Up and at ‘em. Last day in North Carolina. The kids have a party to go to at 2:30P, so we are up for breakfast and off to the city park to whoop the hell out of them just in time for lunch and noon naps. Apparently without these mid-afternoon sleep sessions, they would be holy terrors in any public place.  Funny, I don’t remember being a hellion as a child, and I always faked my naps under a blanket and read books.

Being the author and publisher of this site, I blame no one but myself for  the blatant excess of family pictures below.

  10:15A - Park in town and tiring of children

max rusin through the fort steve butcher, melanie rusin, max rusin

max rusin

melanie rusin

steve butcher and max rusin in 2000

melanie pushes max in the swing

And once home, Bill proves his skills at nap-negotiation by falling asleep next to a wide-awake Trevor.

max rusin & bill rusin

1:20P –Lezlie, Bill and I pose for a departure shot with the SmartBeetle. Mom is stuck here until Oldsmobile repairs the van.

steve, lezlie and bill

Leaving Wake Forest. Headed south on I-85 and so is the weather. Good sign i guess?

rainy return to atlanta

3:33P - Concord, NC for petrol. Pull into BK for a bag o' onion rings. John Mellancamp's "I'm on my way"  - perfect fit to the occasion

Bumper Sticker:    my boss is a Jewish carpenter
employment coincidence or prophetic statement?

7:55P – stop into Lenox Mall Tower Records to pick up a few movies...then back to 857.

carrie eubanks

9:45P – Johnny Kilpatrick shows his face and we meet Sara and MacKenzie at the hippie infested Park Tavern. Never even got inside due to hippie infestation. Atlanta looks beautiful under a sliver moon

It was off to Neighbors in Virginia Higlands for a few Bass Ales with the virgin mary.

carrie eubanks, steve, mackenzie, sara and johnny

Quietly stole out of the pub to slide home and watch Stealing Home with Jodie Foster & Mark Harmon. Excellent flick.

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On the Stereo...

  • Arthur C. Clarke's 3001: Te FInal Odyssey (book on tape)