Day 36: Atlanta II - day 3
April 10, 2000
10:00A – more lying around in bed. My current plan is to resume my trek northward Tuesday morning.
1:40P – Made a few phone calls, listened to some Indigo Girls, made the bed. ‘Relaxed’ barely does it justice. The strain on the brain lies mainly in Spain (not here in Atlanta).
After 6 phone calls to the cable company, I realize that local calls use 10 digit dialing, rather than 7 digit. Dare to be different - at the expense of the consumer. Doh!
3:00P - Rocky Mountain Butcher Time- late as usual to meet for lunch. We head to the New Yorker Deli & Butcher Shop in Buckhead.
The main man immediately comes out from behind the counter with "hello"s and says "lunch on me for the license plate". Jarred, i realize he is referring to the similarity of his chosen profession and my last name. 3 sandwiches, 2 Nantucket Nectars (taste of home), a dessert and a present for my good friend and he had his wish. Then we noticed his collection of out-of-state plates adorning the walls - Vermont's BUTCHER definitely was the tops - he placed it alone over the cooler in the center of the back wall. Bellies full, i
returned to the ShoeBox to dig into some much overdue web work....the SmartBeetle theft has really taken a toll, but she is back in working order
7:00P - completed all updates...still a beautiful day. a walk down to Virginia Highlands is in order.
10:00P -Pal Chris Sugden called from his mobile....he's a half mile away, so I suggested he turn around and meet us for a bracer.Off to the Highland Bar - a swank basement joint with wood all over and the fanciest Manhattan's i've ever seen
11:35P - Back home to sleep - should i stay or should i go. I choose stay - one more day in Atlanta and i'll bet one upset friend in D.C. - his schedule has been modified by me three times now. maybe i'll get the hardest mattress to sleep on when i pull into Capital City.
On the Stereo...
- Indigo Girls
- Sarah MacLachlan
- Freddy JOnes Band
- OMD: Best of
- Cat Stevens